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Almighty everlasting God, Thou hatest not Thine own; Thy willing mercy lifts the rod at penitential groan. Thy gracious influence impart; our penitence begin; create in us a contrite heart; O make us mourn for sin! Give us to feel our vileness now, our deepdyed sins lament, in true contrition meekly bow, and at Thy feet repent. Thou know’st how weak, how wretched we, how helpless our estate; O let us now obtain from Thee forgiveness full as great. Pardon, remission, grace for grace, be of Thy fulness poured, ‘til we our full deliv’rance trace through Jesus Christ our Lord!

1 Almighty everlasting God,
Thou hatest not Thine own;
Thy willing mercy lifts the rod
at penitential groan.
2 Thy gracious influence impart;
our penitence begin;
create in us a contrite heart;
O make us mourn for sin!
3 Give us to feel our vileness now,
our deepdyed sins lament,
in true contrition meekly bow,
and at Thy feet repent.
4 Thou know’st how weak, how wretched we,
how helpless our estate;
O let us now obtain from Thee
forgiveness full as great.
5 Pardon, remission, grace for grace,
be of Thy fulness poured,
‘til we our full deliv’rance trace
through Jesus Christ our Lord!



Text attr. Eliza Humphreys
Tune Bangor
William Tans'ur (1706-1783), from A Compleat Melody or Harmony of Zion, 1734


Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all them that are penitent; create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins, and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.