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Fourth Sunday in Lent.

As mountain ranges uprise, so do our sins prevail! As towering hills cloud clear skies, and the high sun make pale; Thy righteous rod, O God, should worthily on us fall: our ill deeds merit all. We, in life’s dark defile where sin’s deep shadows press, toil, watch and wait awhile, O Sun of Righteousness! Shine on us, Light Divine! Help us now to see aright, walk as “children of light.” Almighty God, we do own Thy wrath our sins deserve; we kneel in faith at Thy throne; grant Thy love us preserve, Holy One, through Thy Son! For saving grace we Thee call: Thy mercy pardon all.

1 As mountain ranges uprise,
so do our sins prevail!
As towering hills cloud clear skies,
and the high sun make pale;
Thy righteous rod, O God,
should worthily on us fall:
our ill deeds merit all.
2 We, in life’s dark defile
where sin’s deep shadows press,
toil, watch and wait awhile,
O Sun of Righteousness!
Shine on us, Light Divine!
Help us now to see aright,
walk as “children of light.”
3 Almighty God, we do own
Thy wrath our sins deserve;
we kneel in faith at Thy throne;
grant Thy love us preserve,
Holy One, through Thy Son!
For saving grace we Thee call:
Thy mercy pardon all.



Text attr. Eliza Humphreys,
ad. A. Coles
Tune Es ist ein Ros
melody from Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesäng, 1599;
harm. Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)

Fourth Sunday in Lent.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, who for our evil deeds do worthily deserve to be punished, by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieved; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.