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The Transfiguration.

O God, Who on Mount Sinai’s peak to the apostles daredst to speak: “This is my Son,” Thou didst reveal; to the ground did the apostles kneel. With changed rainment white as snow, the Christ looked out on earth below; He saw our weak and sinful form and chose to save us on that morn. Grant to us, Lord, who suffer here: transfigured may this world appear! Deliver us from fear and woe, and to us your changed visage show. To God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three in One, praise, honor, might, and glory be, from age to age eternally.

1 O God, Who on Mount Sinai’s peak
to the apostles daredst to speak:
“This is my Son,” Thou didst reveal;
to the ground did the apostles kneel.
2 With changed rainment white as snow,
the Christ looked out on earth below;
He saw our weak and sinful form
and chose to save us on that morn.
3 Grant to us, Lord, who suffer here:
transfigured may this world appear!
Deliver us from fear and woe,
and to us your changed visage show.
4 To God, the Father, God the Son,
and God the Spirit, Three in One,
praise, honor, might, and glory be,
from age to age eternally.



Text Richard Pryor III (b. 1998), st. 1-3;
Pope Urban VIII (1568-1644), tr. Hymnal 1940
Tune Puer nobis nascitur
melody from Trier MS, 15th cent.;
adapt. Michael Praetorius (1571-1621);
harm. George Ratcliffe Woodward (1848-1934)

The Transfiguration.

Grant to us, Lord, we beseech thee, the spirit to think and do always such things as be rightful; that we, who cannot do anything that is good without thee, may by thee be enabled to live according to thy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.