Prayer Book collects for congregational singing
O Lord, open Thou our lips...
In 1856, Eliza Humphreys was inspired to set the classical Prayer Book collects to poetic verse in her Metrical Collects from the Book of Common Prayer. In 2022, we adapted and set Ms. Humphreys’ verses to hymn tunes old and new, suitable for congregational singing.
Included and ready for singing in this revised Metrical Collects from the Book of Common Prayer are:
- Collects of the liturgical year, from the classical Book of Common Prayer (1662-1928; when applicable, concordances with 1979 are notated)
- Collects for saints’ days
- Collects for the celebration of Holy Communion and the observance of the Daily Office
New rhymed and metered paraphrases of the Daily Office canticles (including 1979 additions)
New rhymed and metered paraphrases of the traditional Marian antiphons for use with Compline
... and our mouth shall show forth Thy praise
Since prayer and praise to God must not be financially gated, Metrical Collects from the Book of Common Prayer is offered digitally for free.
Each selected musical setting is in the public domain, as is every text. Hymns with their full lyrics and scores may be downloaded individually for free use and distribution from this website. (Click here for more information on copyright and usage.)
This site is best viewed on desktop
This website includes midi (audio) files for the convenience of listening to each hymn tune. To play these files from the speakers of your mobile device, ensure the ringer (and not only the volume) is turned on.
If you prefer a full book-style hymnal format, with all collects, canticles, and antiphons fully paginated into a single volume, it is available for download below.
Spread the word! We ask, but don't require, that you link back to or reference this website if you use any of the hymns in Metrical Collects from the Book of Common Prayer.