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The Second Collect for the King's Majesty.

R.I.P. H.R.M. E.R.
1926 - 2022

Almighty Everlasting God, Thy holy word has taught that by Thy overruling rod, kings to submit are brought; that in the wisdom of Thy will, Thou dost dispose their ways, controlling and restraining still their hearts, through all their days. Our gracious [King] we now commend in humble prayer to Thee! On [him] Thy Holy Spirit send, [his] governor to be; that all [his] thoughts, and words, and ways, Thy blessing may inspire; that all [his] deeds may show Thy praise, Thy glory [his] desire. Most gracious Lord, be pleased to bless [his] efforts to increase, [his] people in true godliness, in health, and wealth, and peace. Father! we our petition make; Thy gracious aid afford; and answer for Thy mercies’ sake, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Almighty Everlasting God,
Thy holy word has taught
that by Thy overruling rod,
kings to submit are brought;
that in the wisdom of Thy will,
Thou dost dispose their ways,
controlling and restraining still
their hearts, through all their days.
2 Our gracious [King] we now commend
in humble prayer to Thee!
On [him] Thy Holy Spirit send,
[his] governor to be;
that all [his] thoughts, and words, and ways,
Thy blessing may inspire;
that all [his] deeds may show Thy praise,
Thy glory [his] desire.
3 Most gracious Lord, be pleased to bless
[his] efforts to increase,
[his] people in true godliness,
in health, and wealth, and peace.
Father! we our petition make;
Thy gracious aid afford;
and answer for Thy mercies’ sake,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Text attr. Eliza Humphreys
Tune Halifax
melody G. F. Handel (1685-1759);
arr. R. Pryor III

The Second Collect for the King's Majesty.

Almighty and everlasting God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in thy rule and governance, and that thou dost dispose and turn them as it seemeth best to thy godly wisdom: We humbly beseech thee so to dispose and govern the heart of Charles thy Servant, our [King] and Governour, that, in all his thoughts, words, and works, he may ever seek thy honour and glory, and study to preserve thy people committed to his charge, in wealth, peace, and godliness: Grant this, O merciful Father, for thy dear Son's sake, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.